We’re not after your money, but if you would like to support our ministry,

we would be very grateful.


You can donate by Bank Transfer, CAF Voucher, Debit/Credit Card, or Direct Debit.


Bank Transfer

One-off Bank Transfers or Standing Orders:

Bank:  TSB Bank

Account Name:  Inclusive Community Church

Sort Code:  30-94-90

Account Number:  00701518



IBAN: GB66TSBS30949000701518



UK taxpayers, please complete our Giftaid Declaration Form and return it to our church office:

Gift Aid Declaration Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [83.0 KB]



Debit/Credit Card or Direct Debit

Please use the form below to make your donation.  UK taxpayers, please mark your donation as 'Claim Gift Aid'.


We use iKnow Church to process your donation, a reputable organisation used by over four thousand churches across the UK.  They charge a small fee to cover expenses.





Thank you for your support!


If you have any questions or need further assistance, you may email us at accounts@inclusive.church or telephone us on 03001237773.



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